New Season Available December 2024
We pick the fresh tender new season caper shoots, with leaves and tiny capers intact and simply brine them. This way you choose how you dress them. Toss them in a little olive oil and lemon juice, try them as an edible garnish on your seafood and meat dishes, mix them into salads. Stir through your pasta or warm potato salad. Deep fry them for a crispy unique antipasto, or on your favourite cheese platter. Even toss a few on top of your fav pizza. Our new season caper shoots have a distinct peppery mild caper flavour and are very pleasant to eat and have a smack of floral tartness all of their own. So if you are simply looking for something more delicate, leaves are a really elegant option.
All of our caper products contain Rutin and are in fact, one of the largest sources of rutin found. The tiny whitish flecks that appear on all our products, as you can see in the pictures is Rutin. Rutin is naturally formed on capers, leaves and berries during the curing process when mustard oil is released. They are rich in the antioxidant compound quercetin. Vitamin-A, vitamin-K, copper, niacin, and riboflavin are also found in caper products. Capers are now prized among food scientists for their anti-inflammatory properties.
Approximately 14-16 stems/tips
Ingredients: caper stems/tips, South Australian sea salt, fresh rain water
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